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Information on the legal form and references according to § 5 TMG, §§ 2ff. DL-InfoV:


Legal form / Responsible for the contents of the site

Daniel Kroos – Notary & Lawyer

Liebigstraße 24,

60323 Frankfurt am Main


Telephone: +49 69 204 36 93 – 0
Fax: +49 69 204 36 93 – 99



Daniel Kroos is admitted as a lawyer in the Federal Republic of Germany and is a member of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, telephone: +49 69 1700980,

Daniel Kroos is admitted as a notary with his official seat in Frankfurt am Main and is a member of the Chamber of Notaries of Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, telephone: +49 69 17009802.


Supervisory authorities:

(i) the President of the District Court at the following address:
Frankfurt am Main Regional Court
Der Präsident
Gerichtsstr. 2
60313 Frankfurt am Main

(ii) the President of the „Oberlandesgericht“ Frankfurt am Main, with the following address
Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
Der Präsident
Zeil 42
60313 Frankfurt am Main

(iii) the „Landesjustizverwaltung“ Hessen, with the following address:
Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz
Luisenstraße 13
65185 Wiesbaden


Professional Law


BRAO – Federal Lawyers‘ Act
BORA – Professional code of conduct for lawyers
FAO – Specialist attorney regulations
RVG – Lawyers‘ Fees Act
CCBE – Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union


BNotO – Federal Notarial Code
DONot – Service regulations for notaries
Guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main
BeurkG – German Notarisation Act
GNotKG – Court and notary fees law


The professional activity and remuneration as a lawyer is regulated by the Federal Lawyers‘ Act and the Lawyers‘ Fees Act (available at under the heading „Berufsrecht“), that of a notary by the Federal Notaries‘ Act and the Court and Notary Fees Act (available at under the heading „Berufsrecht“).


Other information
The attorney insurance does not include insurance cover for legal advice in a foreign law.

EU platform for online dispute resolution:


Web design & photo editing
Divello GmbH

Photos / Shutterstock / Pixabay
